Wednesday, November 7, 2012

1st week in Mafraq


for me as an ordinary and average student, clinical year is so interesting. no more 3 hours sitting on the same bench waiting for the doctor one after another. now is the time for us to freely move here and there in the hospital and clinic acting like a boss *nausea* and also not to forget is the long-standing during the bedside teaching(this one really worsen my scoliosis, na3uzubillah). we have so many opportunities to mix up with arabs everyday(groupmates, doctors, patients and even people in public), learn their arabic language(ops. it's OUR language indeed) and practice things that you've learnt . it has its own unique identity(simple say when you don't really know how to express huhu). somehow I found clical year is quite challenging and stress!! I really cannot deny the fact that everyday we'll find something new or at least we will need to recap so many stuff and should expect to absorb things immediately so that you'll be prepared everytime Dr ask you. *tak sah kalau tak tachycardia dalam sehari. mesti ada waktu yg tiba2 terasa seperti apnea atau ataxia... especially bila Dr point kat kita dan sebut, "yallah dokturah". grr

alhamdulillah terasa semakin hari semakin lali dan terkawal gemuruh di jiwa. siap boleh berangan nak swimming style apa and bila!! *dush* (ini sungguh tak sihat ye saya tahu. cuma kadang2 ia tidak dapat dielakkan err) 
pesanan... tolong lah jangan mudah blank. hello brother, sila cool boleh. bayangkan Dr tu sangat baik dan semua orang nak bantu awak belajar..kan best. jangan nak fikir complex sgt. tak best la stress2 ni. I hate. but sometimes it does helpful. huhu =)

antara tips belajar sms dawam di mustashfa Mafraq adalah :

- study case(beserta segala yg berkaitan dgn case spt anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology etc). hafal siap2 segala normal values yg ada.
- jot down segala yg Dr terang time morning report, bedside teaching dan afternoon discussion. everything. tak faham tanya Dr atau kawan arab berdekatan. asap. inshaAllah dorang ni sangaaat pemurah dan membantu je T_T(nak nanges terharu)
- balik rumah, recall balik apa yg dah belajar dan cover mana yg tak tak faham/tak tahu.
kita buat yg terbaik, tak kisah la Dr nak tanya apa esoknya. at least kita belajar. kalau tahu, jawab. kalau tak tahu, mengaku dan fokus sms Dr terangkan. smga Allah redha, kuatkan kita n permudahkan semua urusan...yg penting never give up. budak arab pun mengaku medic ni takkan pernah habis, so chill suda.. takyah nak tensi terlebih. enjoy taking hx and round with the Dr! *big smile* =)

ok kesimpulan setelah 4 hari di Mafraq beserta dengan kefuturan yg melanda semasa intro adalah,

" kita takkan pernah tahu dan pasti pun tentang masa depan kita/hari esok, walaupun sesaat mahupun yg lebih singkat drpd itu. usah menyesal dan over tertekan terhadap sesuatu yg berlaku tanpa kehendak/perancangan kita, kerna Dia paling tahu apa yg terbaik buat kita. Dia sedang mempersiapkan kita utk suatu yg kita sendiri tidak tahu, tidak pasti. jangan dimarah tak tentu pasal/menyalahkan makhluk Allah yg pelbagai di dunia ini, kerna secara tidak langsung ia umpama kita sedang melampiaskan amarah kpd Sang Pencipta. betapa tidak beradab dan tidak bersyukur sungguh dengan bersikap sebegitu.

namun jgn lupa, 'tawakal' itu adalah berusaha bersungguh2 disamping meletakkan kepercayaan dan pengharapan bantuan drpd Si Dia. bukanlah 'tawakul', tidak berusaha dan hanya tahu berdoa "

selamat beramal dan buat yang terbaik dalam setiap urusan. 
bawa hati bawa minda yg berfungsi.
manfaatkan masa sebaiknya! ^^

*how I wish to be like the arabs here..they speak arabic fluently( jaw drops) and understand situations easily( make me a bit homesick and missing my Biological teacher so much. n all the moments when I was in school tsktsk ). It's so different you know, to get to understand directly from the first source rather than the 2nd source, or to do a single job rather than double jobs. there are too many differences. you'll never understand the feeling unless you've got into their shoes first. nevermind, let's try our best.  Allah knows best. :)

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