sollu 3lan nabiy.
living in overseas or outside from our own homeland will always give us the pros and cons. anywhere & anytime it is. just list them out! what do you want? in the UK, the US, Turkey, Indonesia, Egypt, Australia, Jordan(n the list goes down)? eeeverywhere! I tell yah, you'll find allllll the positive and negative sides. I bet you guys 100%. ;)
and here the iman(faith in Allah) and knowledges(al-'ilm) play role the most.
either you want to continue to look down on others and non-stop counting all their mistakes and flaws, then start to feel stress and depress up until you are being admitted to the ICU due to your decline health condition(here we spell it 'exaggeration' hoho!) or vice are the one who make the decision.
I repeat, you are the one( why? bcoz u are matured enough isn't it? say it out. if u wanna travel outside, u choose ur destination n make the full preparation. if u wannna study, do u arrange ur schedule or anyone else? if u wanna have a dinner, u cook by yrself right? if not everyday, at least once a week sa7? -this one is very applicable to those who live in a big number of housemembers. so since we are still student, I suggest u to make one hehe. ah one more not to forget! if u wanna get married, 90% of the decision also come from u right!!!? unless u're a mommy's boy LOL) ;)
ok let us back to our business( sometimes I really can be so incessant chatterbox!zuss). so who is the one to make decision? yes you are :).
actually my genuine intention to write this entry is just to tell you guys that I feel so blessed to study here in arab land. sorry for the very long unplanned intro ;D. anyway, I cannot deny that sometimes I am sooo rebellious due to ups n downs of a normal human beinggg like meee.
of all the many reasons, one of them is bcoz I can learn and practice one of the honored and precious syiar in islam which is the arabic language(may Allah grant me the ability to master the language inshaAllah) everyday. there are numerous walking dictionaries around here!!(refer to my colleagues huhu ^^). sooo interesting right? don't be shock ok, did I tell u before..? most of them are very generous, kind-hearted, funny and cheerful. alhamdulillah... I tell you, they are the ones who always willing to help you in many circumstances. honestly say. they are so nice right? veeery supportive members of the floor harhar ;). say what?? "alhamdulillah...."
even though I know my arabic is still farrrr need to be improved(let's imagine it's like a turtle crawling on the slow! haha!), don't care, I won't give up inshaAllah.
ok kauthar go back to study!!!
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