Monday, December 24, 2012



solat kamu menyelamatkan kamu :)
 found this on the cover of every surgery lecture note(big smileeeee ^^). To be honest, I love some of their habits here in this blessing land, very much. firstly, the habit to pray for their brothers n sisters, face-to-face when meet up anywhere & eeevrywhere they can!(mendoakan antara satu sama lain bila bertemu ataupun berbual) and the second one is to advice each other(tanassuh/nasihat-menasihati). truly say, they are so sweeeettt.. kan2? I don't really know how it is going on the syabab(pemuda) side but I believe they do behave the same as the lady does! hehe ;) it looks simple(refer to the picca-the writing and style), veeery simple yet sooo heart-touching. huhuuu.. ILY my brothers n sisters in islam. this is so interesting when we can apply the variety of methods in delivering a message. the message of our beautiful and wonderful deen islam 


this one I found in one of the slides prepared by our seniors. also made me almost-to-cry because when you were sooo nervous(read: cuak kentang sangat2) to sit for an exam, this kind of beautiful words/phrase/hadith really helped us a lottt....soothing us the most.(hey! it was our 1st oral exam/osce okayyyy. no wonder feel like having heart attack at anytime! hehe :D). Alhamdulillah.. ya Allah, Kau jadikanlah kami ini sebagai hamba2Mu yg bersyukur serta sentiasa bertambah kesyukurannya.. :-) 

in Mecca Mall, Amman.
check this out babeh. so cool... sorry I can't show you the close up picture of the clothes( jumper, long-sleeve shirts, jubah etc etc) from inside the shop bcoz you will find the half-gedik model in it. sooo annoying. but I tell you guys, this shop( the company as well), they do really have a very stylo n macho styles on how to approach people, to spread the message of ad-deen al-haq. thumbs up! :) 

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