Sunday, December 30, 2012
Friday, December 28, 2012
never stop
laknat Allah ke atas kuffar, zionis, basyar dan keseluruhan pengikutnya... allah allah allah... istajibillahumma du'aana...ameen2 ya rab. jangan lupakan keluarga kita...teman2 kita...saudara mara kita di palestin, syiria, mesir, malaysia dan seluruh dunia ini. jangan pernah lupa, jangan putus asa..
laknat Allah ke atas kuffar, zionis, basyar dan keseluruhan pengikutnya... allah allah allah... istajibillahumma du'aana...ameen2 ya rab. jangan lupakan keluarga kita...teman2 kita...saudara mara kita di palestin, syiria, mesir, malaysia dan seluruh dunia ini. jangan pernah lupa, jangan putus asa..
لا يؤمن احدكم حتى يحب لأخه ما يحب لنفسه...
(رواه البخاري ومسلم)
"tidak sempurna iman seseorang kamu sehinggalah ia mencintai saudaranya sebagaimana ia mencintai dirinya sendiri"
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
solat kamu menyelamatkan kamu :) |
found this on the cover of every surgery lecture note(big smileeeee ^^). To be honest, I love some of their habits here in this blessing land, very much. firstly, the habit to pray for their brothers n sisters, face-to-face when meet up anywhere & eeevrywhere they can!(mendoakan antara satu sama lain bila bertemu ataupun berbual) and the second one is to advice each other(tanassuh/nasihat-menasihati). truly say, they are so sweeeettt.. kan2? I don't really know how it is going on the syabab(pemuda) side but I believe they do behave the same as the lady does! hehe ;) it looks simple(refer to the picca-the writing and style), veeery simple yet sooo heart-touching. huhuuu.. ILY my brothers n sisters in islam. this is so interesting when we can apply the variety of methods in delivering a message. the message of our beautiful and wonderful deen islam
this one I found in one of the slides prepared by our seniors. also made me almost-to-cry because when you were sooo nervous(read: cuak kentang sangat2) to sit for an exam, this kind of beautiful words/phrase/hadith really helped us a lottt....soothing us the most.(hey! it was our 1st oral exam/osce okayyyy. no wonder feel like having heart attack at anytime! hehe :D).
ya Allah, Kau jadikanlah kami ini sebagai hamba2Mu yg bersyukur serta sentiasa bertambah kesyukurannya.. :-)
in Mecca Mall, Amman. |
check this out babeh. so cool... sorry I can't show you the close up picture of the clothes( jumper, long-sleeve shirts, jubah etc etc) from inside the shop bcoz you will find the half-gedik model in it. sooo annoying.
but I tell you guys, this shop( the company as well), they do really have a very stylo n macho styles on how to approach people, to spread the message of ad-deen al-haq. thumbs up! :)
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
jum3ah mubarakah
Monday, December 10, 2012
one of the many +ve sides you can have
sollu 3lan nabiy.
living in overseas or outside from our own homeland will always give us the pros and cons. anywhere & anytime it is. just list them out! what do you want? in the UK, the US, Turkey, Indonesia, Egypt, Australia, Jordan(n the list goes down)? eeeverywhere! I tell yah, you'll find allllll the positive and negative sides. I bet you guys 100%. ;)
and here the iman(faith in Allah) and knowledges(al-'ilm) play role the most.
either you want to continue to look down on others and non-stop counting all their mistakes and flaws, then start to feel stress and depress up until you are being admitted to the ICU due to your decline health condition(here we spell it 'exaggeration' hoho!) or vice are the one who make the decision.
I repeat, you are the one( why? bcoz u are matured enough isn't it? say it out. if u wanna travel outside, u choose ur destination n make the full preparation. if u wannna study, do u arrange ur schedule or anyone else? if u wanna have a dinner, u cook by yrself right? if not everyday, at least once a week sa7? -this one is very applicable to those who live in a big number of housemembers. so since we are still student, I suggest u to make one hehe. ah one more not to forget! if u wanna get married, 90% of the decision also come from u right!!!? unless u're a mommy's boy LOL) ;)
ok let us back to our business( sometimes I really can be so incessant chatterbox!zuss). so who is the one to make decision? yes you are :).
actually my genuine intention to write this entry is just to tell you guys that I feel so blessed to study here in arab land. sorry for the very long unplanned intro ;D. anyway, I cannot deny that sometimes I am sooo rebellious due to ups n downs of a normal human beinggg like meee.
of all the many reasons, one of them is bcoz I can learn and practice one of the honored and precious syiar in islam which is the arabic language(may Allah grant me the ability to master the language inshaAllah) everyday. there are numerous walking dictionaries around here!!(refer to my colleagues huhu ^^). sooo interesting right? don't be shock ok, did I tell u before..? most of them are very generous, kind-hearted, funny and cheerful. alhamdulillah... I tell you, they are the ones who always willing to help you in many circumstances. honestly say. they are so nice right? veeery supportive members of the floor harhar ;). say what?? "alhamdulillah...."
even though I know my arabic is still farrrr need to be improved(let's imagine it's like a turtle crawling on the slow! haha!), don't care, I won't give up inshaAllah.
ok kauthar go back to study!!!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Saturday, December 8, 2012
the perfection :) |
Mari sama2 ambil pengajaran dan aplikasikan dalam diri :)
Imam Malik telah menukilkan di dalam Al-Muwaththa', iaitu telah sampai ke pengetahuannya bahawa telah dikatakan orang kepada Luqman:
" Apakah yang menyebabkan engkau sampai kepada kedudukan yang kami lihat ini?"(yang dimaksudkan ialah kelebihan Luqman).
Maka berkatalah Luqman: "Perkataan yang benar, menunaikan amanah dan meninggalkan barang apa yang tiada bermanfaat."
Telah diriwayatkan daripada Al-Hasan Al-Basri bahawa beliau telah berkata:
"Dari 'alamat(tanda2) bahawa Allah berpaling dari seorang hamba ialah dengan menjadikan beliau sibuk dengan perkara yang tidak bermanfaat terhadap dirinya"
nastaghfirullah...semoga kita dijauhkan dan terpelihara daripada segala celaan ini. na3uzubillah min zalik.....
nak berubah! sangat nak berubah kepada yg lebih baik. biarlah manusia putus harapan terhadap kita sekalipun, Allah saja yg Maha Mengetahui dan Berkuasa Membenarkan ia. ameeeen ya Rab! :)
.... |
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
u know what does it mean right?? so move it! gud luck! ;)
may Allah ease and bless us all....inshaAllah ameen..... plz pray for our success.. u. yes u and whoever read this scrabble post. salam. :)
Friday, November 30, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
way to go.
just wanna tell the whole world that I miss my family & relatives in Malaysia soooo mucchhhhhhhh(SOB) T___T *let's cry together* do I really miss them that much? or I am soooo in need of Allah for true? yes both. huhu *let's con't to cry*
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Friday, November 23, 2012
taknak pening2 means taknak peningkatan.
tolonglah jangan malas, lambat atau lari drpd masalah. sebab masalah tu takkan berjaya dipisahkan atau ditinggalkan drpd awak pun(kegusaran dlm jiwa akan melekat walau ke mana jua pergi).
"Jadi faqih atau jadi sufi, jangan ambil satu satu.
hati-hati kupesan, jangan kau jadi begitu.
yang ini keras, hatinya tak pernah mengenyam taqwa.
yang ini jahil, apa mungkin dgn jahil bisa lurus suatu perkara?"
hati-hati kupesan, jangan kau jadi begitu.
yang ini keras, hatinya tak pernah mengenyam taqwa.
yang ini jahil, apa mungkin dgn jahil bisa lurus suatu perkara?"
P/S :
kena kuasai ilmu(dunia) dan agama.
*menangis atas kekurangan diri skng jgk* ;(
kerna mereka(ilmu & agama) tidak bisa dipisahkan melainkan bersamanya bencana(andai diambil salah satu sahaja). andai kau ambil medic, berkahwin dgn budak takhasus agama bukanlah penyelesaiannya. tp kefahaman dan penguasaan bermula dr diri sendiri itu yg utama. krn yg akan kehulu kehilir adalah diri yg satu dan dinilai Dia pd individu2.
kita punya banyak tugas dan amanah sebenarnya. sedarlah wahai kauthar ruslan oi. berdoalah dan berusahalah smga diberkati masa dan hidup. jangan malas2 dan lembab2 lg ye. masa dah tak banyak. isilah waktu sebaiknya.
taknak ambil risiko = taknak berkorban = selamatlah 'dhal'(stay) pada takuk yg sama. selamat!
special dedicated to kauthar ruslan si kepala sendiri. semoga menjadi tazkirah kpd orang lain juga. minta maaf atas segala kekurangan(sgt banyak). doakan saya lembut hati dan mudah faham agama inshaAllah. ^^
"andai kau tahu betapa syaitan tak pernah melupakan kau, pasti kau takkan pernah melupakan allah" :(
Thursday, November 15, 2012
bila orang bertanya tu, maknanya dia
1) tak faham dan memerlukan penjelasan
2) ingin menimbulkan persoalan supaya kita berfikir(samada dia dah tahu jawapan mahupun tidak)
kalau orang memerlukan nasihat kita wajib bagi kan, ada penjelasan dlm kitab hadith 40, hadith ke-7 susunan imam nawawi. maka bercakaplah, responlah kepada yg bertanya dgn cara yg baik. yg bijak dan menyenangkan. utk menghuraikan persoalan. semoga sama2 mendapatkan kebaikan. *smile*
bila orang bertanya tu, maknanya dia
1) tak faham dan memerlukan penjelasan
2) ingin menimbulkan persoalan supaya kita berfikir(samada dia dah tahu jawapan mahupun tidak)
kalau orang memerlukan nasihat kita wajib bagi kan, ada penjelasan dlm kitab hadith 40, hadith ke-7 susunan imam nawawi. maka bercakaplah, responlah kepada yg bertanya dgn cara yg baik. yg bijak dan menyenangkan. utk menghuraikan persoalan. semoga sama2 mendapatkan kebaikan. *smile*
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
1st week in Mafraq
for me as an ordinary and average student, clinical year is so interesting. no more 3 hours sitting on the same bench waiting for the doctor one after another. now is the time for us to freely move here and there in the hospital and clinic acting like a boss *nausea* and also not to forget is the long-standing during the bedside teaching(this one really worsen my scoliosis, na3uzubillah). we have so many opportunities to mix up with arabs everyday(groupmates, doctors, patients and even people in public), learn their arabic language(ops. it's OUR language indeed) and practice things that you've learnt . it has its own unique identity(simple say when you don't really know how to express huhu). somehow I found clical year is quite challenging and stress!! I really cannot deny the fact that everyday we'll find something new or at least we will need to recap so many stuff and should expect to absorb things immediately so that you'll be prepared everytime Dr ask you. *tak sah kalau tak tachycardia dalam sehari. mesti ada waktu yg tiba2 terasa seperti apnea atau ataxia... especially bila Dr point kat kita dan sebut, "yallah dokturah". grr
alhamdulillah terasa semakin hari semakin lali dan terkawal gemuruh di jiwa. siap boleh berangan nak swimming style apa and bila!! *dush* (ini sungguh tak sihat ye saya tahu. cuma kadang2 ia tidak dapat dielakkan err)
pesanan... tolong lah jangan mudah blank. hello brother, sila cool boleh. bayangkan Dr tu sangat baik dan semua orang nak bantu awak belajar..kan best. jangan nak fikir complex sgt. tak best la stress2 ni. I hate. but sometimes it does helpful. huhu =)
antara tips belajar sms dawam di mustashfa Mafraq adalah :
- study case(beserta segala yg berkaitan dgn case spt anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology etc). hafal siap2 segala normal values yg ada.
- jot down segala yg Dr terang time morning report, bedside teaching dan afternoon discussion. everything. tak faham tanya Dr atau kawan arab berdekatan. asap. inshaAllah dorang ni sangaaat pemurah dan membantu je T_T(nak nanges terharu)
- balik rumah, recall balik apa yg dah belajar dan cover mana yg tak tak faham/tak tahu.
kita buat yg terbaik, tak kisah la Dr nak tanya apa esoknya. at least kita belajar. kalau tahu, jawab. kalau tak tahu, mengaku dan fokus sms Dr terangkan. smga Allah redha, kuatkan kita n permudahkan semua urusan...yg penting never give up. budak arab pun mengaku medic ni takkan pernah habis, so chill suda.. takyah nak tensi terlebih. enjoy taking hx and round with the Dr! *big smile* =)
ok kesimpulan setelah 4 hari di Mafraq beserta dengan kefuturan yg melanda semasa intro adalah,
" kita takkan pernah tahu dan pasti pun tentang masa depan kita/hari esok, walaupun sesaat mahupun yg lebih singkat drpd itu. usah menyesal dan over tertekan terhadap sesuatu yg berlaku tanpa kehendak/perancangan kita, kerna Dia paling tahu apa yg terbaik buat kita. Dia sedang mempersiapkan kita utk suatu yg kita sendiri tidak tahu, tidak pasti. jangan dimarah tak tentu pasal/menyalahkan makhluk Allah yg pelbagai di dunia ini, kerna secara tidak langsung ia umpama kita sedang melampiaskan amarah kpd Sang Pencipta. betapa tidak beradab dan tidak bersyukur sungguh dengan bersikap sebegitu.
namun jgn lupa, 'tawakal' itu adalah berusaha bersungguh2 disamping meletakkan kepercayaan dan pengharapan bantuan drpd Si Dia. bukanlah 'tawakul', tidak berusaha dan hanya tahu berdoa "
namun jgn lupa, 'tawakal' itu adalah berusaha bersungguh2 disamping meletakkan kepercayaan dan pengharapan bantuan drpd Si Dia. bukanlah 'tawakul', tidak berusaha dan hanya tahu berdoa "
selamat beramal dan buat yang terbaik dalam setiap urusan.
bawa hati bawa minda yg berfungsi.
manfaatkan masa sebaiknya! ^^
*how I wish to be like the arabs here..they speak arabic fluently( jaw drops) and understand situations easily( make me a bit homesick and missing my Biological teacher so much. n all the moments when I was in school tsktsk ). It's so different you know, to get to understand directly from the first source rather than the 2nd source, or to do a single job rather than double jobs. there are too many differences. you'll never understand the feeling unless you've got into their shoes first. nevermind, let's try our best. Allah knows best. :)
Friday, November 2, 2012
barakah bumi muktah
best sangat sebenarnya dakwah dan tarbiyah ni. sangat. cuma kena cari balik hati yg hidup tu. dan wavelength bersama org2 beriman tu. dan kembalikan neraca iman tu. sangat.
bila wavelength berbeza, neraca tak serupa, sangat la pelik melihat mereka. mereka yg iman terpancar2 tu. yg sangat mashaallah 3layhom. pelik sgt tau melihat macam mana mereka sgt eager melihat manusia. eager utk menghidup dan membakar obor iman tu. sedihnya diri ini T_T
"kauthar kembali kpd tuhan ye? jangan down lama2. for whatever happen. whatever. bersyukur dan ikhlaskan hati kpd allah. smata2 krn allah. never give up to move ahead. smga kau tak putus asa dr rahmat allah mahupun futur dgn nikmatNya yg sgt banyak. it's all about time. about time. masa tu akan tiba. muhasabahlah. inshaAllah smga kau mumtaz dnt dan medic"
"bila kita ikhlas, allah akan mencantikkan segala urusan kita"
(acikku umairah abd rahman. thanks a lot...luv u so much) T_T
"takkan mungkin kita mengatakan kita cinta kpd allah dan rasul, tanpa kita beramal"
(cik adik fatiha shuib) <3 p="p">
dan banyak lagi quotes dr orang2 beriman T_T
semoga hari mendatang lebih baik drpd hari2 yg telah berlalu. semoga ikhlas dan ihsan dalam setiap urusan. bangun dan belajar dari kesalahan, both medic n dnt. buat yg terbaik okeh! jgn putus asa. [29 : 69]
dan banyak lagi quotes dr orang2 beriman T_T
*saya sayang antunna semuaaa* :')
semoga hari mendatang lebih baik drpd hari2 yg telah berlalu. semoga ikhlas dan ihsan dalam setiap urusan. bangun dan belajar dari kesalahan, both medic n dnt. buat yg terbaik okeh! jgn putus asa. [29 : 69]
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Life is sometimes unlimited.. you do what you want, you plan your obsession, you draw your future or whatever. it is something wonderful, challenging and abstract. somehow, you do not know its exact boundary but you do realize life will become a reality once you return to Him, Allah Rabbul 'Izzati. life is more than what you can see with your naked eyes, it is wide....very huge indeed. it needs kind of a guided imagination so that you can have a picture of it, just like an imaginary line you learnt in your school. without a lesson given to you, you can never have a thought of that line. or maybe you have been taught about it but if you don't master on it, you won't understand and may even unable to apply it in you daily life/routine job. that is how qur'an and islam play role in our life. w/out the guidance, I mean the correct one btwn, you will never know the truth of this 'life'.
life is priceless. after all, Allah looks not at your physical, wealth and health but your heart. you really have no control of your life actually. it goes just like what He wanted it to be. His will. He has absolute power on us.
life is priceless. after all, Allah looks not at your physical, wealth and health but your heart. you really have no control of your life actually. it goes just like what He wanted it to be. His will. He has absolute power on us.
do hold on to Him, that is the best. certainly you will feel the pleasure.
o Allah, please guide every single second in our life :'(
at most of the time, internal factors win. so to strengthen your heart and iman is an obligatory.
Monday, October 29, 2012
47kg by March 2013 inshaAllah ameen.. *fighting!*
ini motivasi. semoga tak menjadi debu yg berterbangan saja. really in need of my previous optimum bmi. biiznillah.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
Sunday, October 14, 2012
the only disability in this world is a bad attitude. yes the attitude.
"where there is a will, there is way"
"if you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. if you are determined to learn, no one can stop you"
let's maximize the youth age, inshaAllah.
[94 : 5-7] :)
[94 : 5-7] :)
Saturday, October 13, 2012
ketagih sungguhh.. Y_Y
the center is too far(jauh la sangat) to reach
with all the materials and syllabus to finish
really drag me away from my current enthusiasm T_T
if only the swimming pool was just around here(future will be? inshaAllaahhhh), I would eagerly to spend my whole day long in it wuuuu! =)
I would dare to spend more money, time and energy for it.. for all the equipments and requirements needed. no matter how much it is(again? it spells 'over mengada2')
swimming is always the best riadhah/sport ever!!! ;)
a sister once said,
for every enthusiasm/stuggle, there must be a symbol comes with it.
I would dare to spend more money, time and energy for it.. for all the equipments and requirements needed. no matter how much it is(again? it spells 'over mengada2')
swimming is always the best riadhah/sport ever!!! ;)
a sister once said,
for every enthusiasm/stuggle, there must be a symbol comes with it.
for example : doctors with their stethescope, engineers with their safety cap/boot, teachers with their teaching tools/materials, lab instructors with their lab coat/instruments, a gymnast with her/his tight elastic pants and movement, and so do the human being!
why did Allah send us to this world? there must be a reason behind..
khalifah (2:30)
ibadah (51:56)
so have we ever shown our symbol for all this time, since we were born up till now? the 2 symbols as were stated above?
I think I'm too far from it T.T
still way to go and too many things to be accomplished.
may Allah ease ameeen ya Rabb.
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mutabaah amal : qowiyul jism at least once a week. frequent is better! inshaAllah (",)! |
Friday, October 12, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
today's lesson : all in one package.
sollu 3lan nabiy
may Allah bless us all :)
everyday is a gift for us. a very precious gift. so never let it go w/out any enhancement w/in ourself. remember that! make sure you've gained something from it, even the tiny one. ok? keep close to Him, wherever you are. yes Allah, your reason to live in this world. :-)
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